Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Oracle BPMN2.0 : Important Things To Know

Oracle 11gR1Ps2( was released on April 27,  and supports BPMN2.0.

The Oracle documentation for BPMN is available at http://oracle-bpel.blogspot.com/2009/09/oracle-bpel-informative-web-sites.html

Following are the important points worth remembering

  • A BPM Process can be converted to BPEL process
  • BPM Process is a Composite Application
  • Different Types of Business process are
    • Synchronous
    • Asynchronous
    • Manual
  • To expose a process as a service, your process must begin with a message start event
  • The message start event enables you to specify input and output arguments to a process.
  • It supports Timer Start Event which can be scheduled to kickoff at a certain time
  • If you are invoking a process or service synchronously, use the service task.