Friday, March 26, 2010

OER 11g Thoughts

IMHO, the Oracle Enterprise Repository looks like a piece of work from interns(no disrespect to interns). It lacks the enterprise and professional quality that is expected from Oracle, BEA or any other enterprise vendor. This probably is a result of the acquisition and the need to have an extra check in the checklist.

The OER is deployed in the BEA domain. It has 2 parts. One is the the ability to search and view the assets and the second is the ability to manage the assets. The search can be done through the web while the asset management is through a Java Webstart application. Both the applications fall way short of usability.

I am not convinced that both OER and OSR(Oracle Service Registry) are required as they add to the clutter. The OER functionality could be built into the OSR so that the intra enterprise view could be the OER functionality while the extra enterprise view could be the OSR. This will reduce the amount of applications to be purchased, managed and maintained by the enterprises. This will also help in easier adoption of the Governance and in better governance by managing the assets well.

1 comment:

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